Anne Arundel Retired School Personnel Association

2644 Riva Road, Annapolis, Maryland 21401

(410) 222-5000


Free School Open House

Maryland Agricultural Educ. Foundation is Hiring Mobile Lab Teachers

Volunteers Needed for

Maryland Science Center

Join the AARSPA Chorus,

Voice in Melody, Here!


Welcome to the Anne Arundel Retired School Personnel Association (AARSPA).


Are you ready to be part of something extraordinary? We invite you to join our vibrant and passionate community where every voice matters, and every contribution shapes our tomorrow. Here are some good reasons to join AARSPA:

  • Your Pension!

  • Your Healthcare!

  • Support future teachers through scholarship campaign

  • Legislation updates regarding education and pension reforms

  • Support the Annearrundell County Free School Museum

  • Maintaining social contacts and networking with new people

  • Volunteer opportunities for members

  • Community service and contributions to local organizations and schools

  • Programs on relevant topics

  • Informative newsletter published 5 times a year

  • Updated website with more information

  • Delicious food at meetings for a reasonable cost


If you ever worked in one of our schools, we want YOU!!! Would you like to keep in touch with other retirees? Would you like to learn about valuable retiree resources?

Many retirees do not realize our association monitors health benefits for all retirees from Anne Arundel County Public School System. AARSPA is affiliated with the Maryland Retired School Personnel Association. MRSPA, our state organization, works hard to protect our pensions. It also supports legislation to to reduce crime and violence against seniors.

Strength grows in numbers. Come Join Us!

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 is an afilliate of the Maryland Retired School Personnel Association

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